Book reviews, art, gaming, Objectivism and thoughts on other topics as they occur.

Sep 20, 2007

Civics Test

Feel like testing your civic knowledge, Americans? Click on the post title to go to a 60-question quiz I found via Rational Jenn. I scored 88%, well over the average for even schools like Harvard. Not bad, if I do say so myself, especially since the quiz actually focusses on things you should be able to answer if you paid attention in Civics class. I can easily identify where I learned most of these things, and it wasn't in school. (Probably because I didn't pay attention, but it may be a result of the school at least in part.)


Jenn Casey said...

I posted the same sentiment in my comments on my blog. I did not learn most of that stuff in any school. It was only as an adult that I set out to improve my knowledge of history, specifically American history. I started out as a history major, but the first few classes I took were just so boring and seemingly irrelevant that I quickly switched to English. As an English major I could at least read something interesting!

Jennifer Snow said...

I know. It takes real skill (or something, anyway) to turn the fascinating soap-opera-esque saga of the ages into a dry, boring subject no one can stand to learn.

Unknown said...

93%? I'm slipping. After high school I'd have gotten 100%.

Myrhaf said...

I scored 91.67%. During a high school spent reading Conan comic books, I think I would have scored between 70-80%.